Singing Guide: The Cinematic Orchestra

Singing Guide: The Cinematic Orchestra

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To learn to sing like The Cinematic Orchestra, one should focus on the distinctive style that makes them stand out as a group. Their music is a blend of jazz, classical and electronic genres, characterized by minimalistic arrangements, sophisticated melodies, and haunting vocals.

One of the most prominent features of their music is the use of falsetto voice. The falsetto technique is especially useful when singing high-pitched and emotive melodies, which are a hallmark of The Cinematic Orchestra. To develop falsetto, singers need to practice breathing exercises to increase lung capacity and control. The use of continuous airflow is essential to produce a smooth and supported falsetto tone.

Another key element to learn from this group is their use of dynamics. The Cinematic Orchestra's music ranges from soft and gentle instrumentals to powerful and expressive vocals. To master this technique, singers should experiment with the loudness and softness of their voice while maintaining control and crispness.

Singers can also benefit from learning how to use their voice as an instrument, which is common in their music. Vocal improvisation and scatting are some of the techniques used by The Cinematic Orchestra's vocalists. These techniques require singers to be creative and spontaneous, using their voice to replicate the sound of instruments or create abstract soundscapes.

To practice these techniques, singers should take advantage of Singing Carrots' resources. The pitch accuracy test is an excellent tool for mastering falsetto, as it allows singers to identify and correct pitch issues. The Vocal Pitch Monitor is also useful for improving pitch accuracy and for visualizing notes on a virtual piano.

Additionally, the Pitch Training educational singing game provides interactive warm-ups and exercises designed to train the ears and improve intonation. Singers can experiment with scatting and improvisation in the Song search section. They can browse songs, create their performance set, and access sheet music, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

In conclusion, mastering The Cinematic Orchestra's distinctive sound requires a blend of falsetto, dynamics, creativity, and technical skills. Singers should start by focusing on breathing exercises and pitch accuracy, using the tools provided by Singing Carrots. With practice, patience, and determination, they can develop their singing abilities and create their unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.